What are your current IT challenges?

Have you ever think of or assess your IT departments challenges and risks have to face? Have you ever made the plan and implement it?

Here are some questionnaires that not only help to evaluate challenges and risks but also highlight the importance of IT in an organization.

A. Plan

1. Does the company/organization have a plan for how effectively use IT to facilitate and grow the business?
2. Does IT (department) have a plan of the projects required to deliver company strategies and plans?
3. Do Company and IT have a common vision of what has to be funded to meet business requirements and goals?
4. Is the organization aware of the total IT spend and future expenditures?

B. Build

1. Are systems and processes well documented i.e. manual and flow charts etc.?
2. Do projects deliver the expected benefits to the company?
3. Does the company acquire IT packages from suppliers without consulting with IT?

C. Run

1. Do users have system problems on a regular basis? if yes, what to do to resolve these?
2. Has the company had alternate plan to run manually if IT systems fail?
3. IT got a fully tested recovery capability if all or part of the IT systems fail? Very important question.
4. All IT projects are within budget?

D. Manage

1. All the IT projects are within proposed budget?
2. Are company employees or users satisfied with the IT services? What you do it to know?
3. Does the company have firm believe in the IT department?
4. Who takes IT related decisions department or the management? Who implement the policy and procedures?

I am sure all above questionnaires help to well equip to overcome challenges and risks.


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