Why Do I Want To Use An Electric Powered Log Splitter?

People who have log burners at home or use an open air fire will be keeping warm in the long winter months by burning wood. So they always face a dilemma of splitting wood to fit their log burners because one does not get required size log splits from market. There are logs available in market and you have to bring them to your place and split them in required sizes to fit your fireplace.

In olden times one has to use the axe manually, which not only took a lot of time but exhausted the person. It was almost a daily routine job then. But now, the axe is made to work mechanically in a machine and it works with force driven through electricity, diesel or petrol. These log splitters not only provide ease in work but also save a lot of good time.

Electric Powered Log Splitter

For the home using a log splitter having force of 4 tonnage is very convenient to use, takes up little space, is transportable with ease and can be tucked away in a little space in your backyard. However, for bigger homes with more than one or larger fireplaces one can select from 6 tonnages to as much as 20 tonnage log splitters. These log splitters are also available in horizontal shape or vertical shapes.

The log splitters manufactured nowadays are cool and elegant in design and need little maintenance and are available with stand or wheels for easy maneuvering.

Electric powered log splitters are more likened by home owners because these are environment friendly for they do not emit fumes that petrol and diesel log splitters do. You only have to pull a switch to start them and reverse it to stop them and that’s that.  The electric powered splitters can be used indoors also.

On the other hand, for the diesel or oil log splitter they need refueling at times otherwise they will stop working. Additionally,they exude fumes and are certainly not environmentally friendly. Most importantly these cannot be used indoors.

Now, it is up to you as to which type of electric log splitter you choose; horizontal or vertical. With a horizontal one you can split logs while sitting on the floor whereas for the vertical one you can use a chair and carry on with wood cutting. Both of them are safe to use; only you have to observe some precautions.


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